It is not a surprise that all good ideas come to those who face some problems. Bestoh was not an exception. Both of us - founders were born in small town in Siberia and after graduation we left the Country for an adventure of our life time. Even though it was and still is fun, we faced different cultures, different habits and different traditions on our own. So for us the problem of misunderstanding or miscommunication is way more obvious, then for most of the people. But this pain exists not for expats only - there was a day once, when Rinat simply couldn't choose a gift for his family. That's when he came up with an idea: "that would be so nice to have at least a little hint". Since then we became obsessed with it.
So much more has been added since then. All those useful features like "chipping in" or "reserving a gift" we added later on. But the basic concept remains the same till this day- make a simple and convenient way to share your dreams with your family, colleagues and friends.
It's all simple. After installing to your phone, Bestoh App will ask access to your contacts. These are going to be your friends inside the platform. All those from the contact list have Bestoh App too will see each other's wishlists.
There are few basic steps in order to make it work:
1. Adding gifts from popular e-commerce websites or Bestoh partners
2. Getting these gifts funded by other users or, in some cases by yourself.
3. Having gifts delivered to your door
One of the most important features of the APP is gifts funding. If one decides to make someone's dream come true, there are few options available:
1. Add some funds to existing gift (could be even $1)
2. Fund the whole gift through the App
3. Make a commitment to buy a gift, so everyone could see that this gift would be given by someone else.
All these options were crafted in order to eliminate the possibility of gifts duplication.
That's it. The only problem our users will face after getting something they were dreaming about is they will need to dream about something else. But searching for a new dream shouldn't be such a big deal- just look at your friends wish lists :)
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